Your widget is almost ready!

Please follow these instructions to add the "Teen Fiction Single Book" widget to your home page:

1 Copy this HTML and paste it wherever you want this widget to show on your page:
<div class="libraryaware_widget_b951acab215e4223805575e6d90912b6"></div>
2 Copy this Javascript snippet and include it right before the closing "</body>" tag on your page:
<script async src="//"></script>
3 That's it! Content can now be published to this widget from promotions in LibraryAware.

P.S. You can include this widget in multiple pages if you want, we'll show your published content in all of them.

P.P.S. You can send the URL for this page to your webmaster and they can take care of adding the widget, you only need to do this setup once for each place you want to include the widget.

Widget Preview