Bullying Prevention

Bullying is an unacceptable behavior that adults and students have a responsibility to stop. Schools must have clear and comprehensive prevention practices and policies that address all forms of bullying and harassment and emphasize prevention; timely, consistent intervention; social-emotional supports for victims and bullies; and clear, effective disciplinary policies. School psychologists work with educators, students, and families to ensure that every child feels safe at, and on the way to and from, school.

Resources for Families and Educators

A Framework for School Wide Bullying Prevention and Safety
NASP is committed to supporting accessible, high-quality education that prepares our children for college, work, and citizenship. Creating safe and supportive schools that are free from bullying, discrimination, harassment, aggression, violence, and abuse is essential to this mission.

Bullying: Brief Facts and Tips for Children and Adults
Information for adults and children about different types of bullying and how to address these behaviors. 

Supporting Victims and Perpetrators of Bullying Guidelines for Parents and Educators
It is important that parents and educators recognize the possible harmful consequences, risk factors, and warning signs of bullying and are equipped to prevent or intervene to stop the behavior as early as possible.

Preventing Bullying: Guidelines for Administrators and Crisis Teams
Schools have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent bullying behavior and ensure that all students feel safe and supported at school.

Cyberbullying: Prevention and Intervention Strategies
Cyberbullying victimization can lead to harmful mental health outcomes ranging from stress to suicidal ideation. Adults can help by taking preventive action against cyberbullying and intervening when it occurs.

Bullying & Youth Suicide: Breaking the Connection
How school leaders respond to the suicide of a student will help determine the depth and duration of its impact on the school community.


Position Statements

Bullying Prevention & Intervention in Schools
NASP believes that school psychologists are ethically obligated to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to learn and develop in an environment free from discrimination, harassment, aggression, violence, and abuse.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Questioning Youth
NASP supports that all youth have equal opportunities to benefit from educational and mental health services within schools regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Safe Schools for Transgender & Gender-Diverse Students
NASP supports efforts to ensure that schools are safe and inclusive learning environments for all students, family members, and school staff and respect a person’s right to express his or her gender identity.

Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism
NASP is committed to advocating for the rights of all students to be educated in safe schools and communities free from prejudice and discrimination.