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NCompass Live: Let's Get Real About Virtual Reality - Online 


Interested in exploring virtual reality but have no idea where to begin? Is it a passing fad or something that would benefit your patrons? What challenges can you expect to encounter when bringing VR (or XR, AR, etc.) to your library? This presentation will outline some of the different platforms, including Oculus Go, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Playstation VR, that we have considered for adoption and the rationale behind our choices. We will discuss such concerns as space requirements, costs, pedagogical strengths and limitations, as well as patron access policies and necessary infrastructure. Come get real with us!

Presenters: Christine Fullerton and Nate Doherty, Chadron (NE) State College and Carl Spicher, Chadron Public Library.

NCompass Live is broadcast live on Wednesdays, from 10am - 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website or use the World Clock Time Zone Converter. In the Time Zone Converter, NCompass Live is broadcast from U.S.A - Nebraska - Lincoln.

Sessions are recorded for anyone who may want to see them again or who cannot attend them at the scheduled time. Registration is not required to view the archived recordings.

NCompass Live is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. GoToWebinar login instructions are sent to registered attendees after registration for a session has closed. The Registration End date is listed on each session page, but usually closes on the Monday night before the date of the session. Please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones. 

Class Format
Date Time
5/29/2019 10am - 11am  (Central Time)
No Charge
Nate Doherty, Carl Spicher Christine Fullerton
CE Hours
Capacity Available Seats
1000 978
Registration Starts Registration Ends
3/20/2019 5/27/2019
For Further Information Sponsor
Christa Porter
402-471-3107 or 800-307-2665
Nebraska Library Commission
Registration Closed