Ready to Read at Lake County Public Library — A Story About Emotions

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A Story About Emotions

The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions by Anna Llenas is a great book for kids getting ready to read on their own.


Poor Monster’s emotions are mixed all up. A sweet little girl guides him to a more peaceful place by attaching a color to each of his emotions. This is a fun teachable moment that will help your children recognize and manage their own feelings. Was your child able to guess what new emotion that Monster was having at the end of the book?

Color monsters and put them in a jar!

If your child loves this book, extend the fun with this coloring activity. You can download the monsters and empty jar coloring pages from Teaching Ideas. (You’ll also find lots of other ways to enjoy the story there!)

Color the monsters with your child and glue them into the empty jar. Ask your child about the colors they’ve chosen to color their monster and discuss what those colors mean to them. What may have happened to make their monster feel that color/emotion?

the color monster anna llenas books about feelings mindful story time kids' books early literacy vocabulary builder narrative skills background knowledge talking playing reading pre-reading skills ecrr extension activities

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