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18 questions to consider after you finish #ReadWithJenna's January pick

If you can't stop thinking about "Dear Edward," you're not alone!
/ Source: TODAY

"Dear Edward," by Ann Napolitano has been a huge hit with Read With Jenna book club members for the month of January.

The thought-provoking novel is about a 12-year-old boy named Edward, who is the sole survivor of a plane crash that claims the lives of 186 passengers, including his mother, father and older brother.

Throughout the novel, the story flips between Edward's attempt to recover and rebuild his life and the doomed flight.

While the story has tragedy at its core, it is a book about shared humanity, new beginnings and finding hope through the most trying experiences.

"Dear Edward," by Ann Napolitano

Just so you know, TODAY has a relationship with Book of the Month Club, so we make a share of revenue from purchases on and subscriptions to Book of the Month Club.

If you want to take an even deeper dive into "Dear Edward," the publisher behind the book shared some questions to think about once you've finished reading.

  1. In what ways can reading a tragic book actually help us find joy in our daily lives?

  2. Have you experienced other books, movies or TV shows that have broken your heart, but left you with a feeling of hope? What characteristics do these stories have in common?

  3. Does "Dear Edward" influence the way you respond to emotional stories in the news? Do you think we have a responsibility to remember the people affected by these stories and continue to help them long after they’ve disappeared from the headlines?

  4. Do you normally interact with people around you on a flight? After reading this book, do you think your perception of your fellow passengers will change?

  5. How did you feel reading this book knowing that everyone on the plane was going to die except for Edward? How did the plane chapters and the Edward chapters feel different from each other?

  6. Before the hearing in Washington, D.C., Shay tells Edward no one there can hurt him, and in fact, no one can hurt him ever again, because he has already lost everything. Did this ring true to you? Does this notion comfort Edward in any way? Would it comfort you?

  7. Louisa Cox tells Edward the tragedy and its aftermath would have been much easier for him if he hated his family. Do you agree with this? In what ways can love make life harder? In what ways can love make life easier?

  8. Edward has to make decisions about when to face things, like whether or not to go to the memorial or the hearing. Where is the line between shielding yourself from things for your own protection and facing them so that you can move on?

  9. After the hearing, Edward tells his uncle he doesn’t want to know why the plane crashed. Why do you think this is? Would you want to know?

  10. Many of the other passengers on the plane learn about themselves over the course of the flight. Who do you think changes the most in the air? Who do you think changes the least?

  11. Which of the characters on the plane, other than Edward, did you identify with the most? Why?

  12. For months after the crash, Edward can only sleep at Shay’s house. Why is this? How and why does Shay become an immediate source of comfort for him in the aftermath?

  13. What do you think made people all over the country write letters to Edward? Do you think they wanted a response? What did they really want from him?

  14. Was it fair for adults and children alike to write letters to Edward, who was just a child?

  15. Do you think John and Lacey were right to keep all the letters from Edward? How do you determine when someone is ready to bear such a huge emotional weight?

  16. In the end, Edward decides to use the millions of dollars he received to help other people, but he wants his donations to be anonymous. Why do you think he doesn’t want his name to be connected with them? Do you agree with his decision to remain anonymous?

  17. Towards the end of the book, we learn that the plane crashed due to a preventable human error. How did you react to this news? Did it change the weight of the tragedy at all? How should we feel about the fact that the crash was actually somebody’s fault?

  18. What moment from the book will stick with you the longest?

For past #ReadWithJenna book club picks, you can read the announcements for her March pick, April pick, May pick, June pick, July pick, August pick, September pick, October pick, November pick and December pick. Also, check out our Read With Jenna page.

To stay involved all month long, be sure to follow us on Instagram (don't forget to tag your photos with #ReadWithJenna), join our Read With Jenna Facebook group and follow along on Goodreads to continue the conversation about "Dear Edward."