Register for CEED Nature Adventure Summer Camp 

Register for CEED Nature Adventure Summer Camp 

Come by for a hike…CEED’s trails are open!

Apr 9, 2020

We’ve been keeping a close eye on approved activities during this pandemic, and walking your dog, nature hikes and exploring the great outdoors is a fantastic option for everyone to enjoy while still practicing safe physical distancing. CEED has two miles of lovely trails and a large grassy field that are open to all. Families and nature lovers have been visiting daily to get fresh air, exercise and renew spirits in the great outdoors.  We welcome you to do the same! Some folks have even brought their dog(s), on leash please…let’s avoid chasing the wildlife away! 

While you’re here, check if any occupants have moved into our newly installed Bee Wall! It’s located on the backside of CEED’s trailhead kiosk. Ranger Eric posted a video just yesterday explaining more about this interesting homemade habitat designed especially for our native bees.

When visiting, please park at CEED (287 South Country Road, Brookhaven) to access both the North trail nearest the trailhead or the South part of the trail that continues into the Dennis Puleston Nature Preserve across the street. You can access the South trail just behind the Lodge near South Country Road. There is no designated crosswalk, so please be extra cautious while crossing South Country Road, checking carefully for traffic in both directions. Happy hiking!


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