There was an error processing your search

We were unable to process your search, try making your search shorter, and removing unnecessary punctuation.

Error description Cannot parse ' ((author_exact:(Kinberg, Simon,)^2200 OR author_left:(Kinberg, Simon,)^1400 OR author:(Kinberg, Simon,)^350 OR author2:(Kinberg, Simon,)^25 OR author_additional:(Kinberg, Simon,)^25) AND 355 / produced by Kelly Carmichael, Jessica Chastain, Eugenia Cheng, Simon Kinberg, Patty Tsai; written by Theresa Rebeck, Simon Kinberg; directed by Simon Kinberg)': Lexical error at line 1, column 353. Encountered: after : "/ produced by Kelly Carmichael, Jessica Chastain, Eugenia Cheng, Simon Kinberg, Patty Tsai; written by Theresa Rebeck, Simon Kinberg; directed by Simon Kinberg)"