Adult Book Discussion: Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 6:00pm

Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley

Read. Be inspired. Discuss.

We're hosting a book discussion in person at the library. If you love to talk about the books you've read, join us for a lively discussion of Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley, which will be available as an e-book in Libby as well as physical library copies which can be checked out. The first 10 people to register for this program can be given copies of the book provided generously by Friends of Sherwood Public Library.

Email us at to register for this program.

From the publisher:

Kiara Johnson and her brother Marcus are barely scraping by in a squalid East Oakland apartment complex that calls itself, optimistically, the Royal-Hi. Both have dropped out of high school, their family fractured by death and prison. But while Marcus clings to his dream of rap stardom, Kiara hunts for work to pay their rent-which has now more than doubled-and to keep the 9-year-old boy next door, abandoned by his mother, safe and fed. What begins as a drunken misunderstanding with a stranger one night soon becomes the job Kiara never wanted but now desperately needs: nightcrawling. And her world breaks open even further when her name surfaces in an investigation that exposes her as a key witness in a massive scandal within the Oakland police department.