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Teen Banned Book Club. Book cover: Cinderella is Dead.

New NYPL Teen Banned Book Club Pick for Pride Month: ‘Cinderella Is Dead’  

May 31, 2024 | Comments Off on New NYPL Teen Banned Book Club Pick for Pride Month: ‘Cinderella Is Dead’  

This blog post is from The New York Public Library, a Unite Against Book Bans partner.  Starting May 30, in time for Pride Month celebrations, readers across the country can […]

Collage of photos of students. Top left: two students sit at a table. Bottom left: a student holds a sign that reads "PROUDLY UNAFRAID OF BOOKS". Bottom middle: students interact around a table. Top right: a student holds a copy of "The Giving Tree". Bottom right: logo for Student Advocates for Speech: National Coalition Against Censorship

Apply By June 3: Teens Invited to Student Advocates for Speech leadership program

May 14, 2024

Calling all high school students! Apply to join the Student Advocates for Speech by June 3, 2024 and let your voice be heard.

Unite Against Book Bans webinar: "Unite Against Book Band and ALA's Policy Corps: Challenging Book Bans in Critical Times" May 20, 12:00-1:00pm CDT. Register Today!

Free Webinar: Challenging Book Bans in Critical Times

May 8, 2024

Join a free webinar on May 20 to learn about new resources, data, and developments that can support your work in the fight against censorship.

Graphic of a ballot box over a silhouette of the United States

We Condemn Threats to the Freedom to Read.

May 3, 2024

Unite Against Book Bans is asking all freedom to read voters to take our voter pledge to be an informed, registered, and ready voter in 2024.

Unite Against Book Bans is a national initiative to empower readers everywhere to stand together in the fight against censorship.

We are not alone. On both sides of the aisle, large majorities of voters and parents oppose book bans.


of voters oppose efforts to remove books from public libraries.


of voters oppose efforts to remove books from school libraries.

Full poll results and key findings available via the American Library Association.

And yet, attempts to ban books from libraries continue to rise at an unprecedented level across the country. The American Library Association reported 1,269 attempts to censor library books and resources in 2022, the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago.

Book bans harm communities.

Students cannot access critical information to help them understand themselves and the world around them. Parents lose the opportunity to engage in teachable moments with their kids. And communities lose the opportunity to learn and build mutual understanding.

Although book bans are nothing new, there were more censorship attempts in 2022 than at any time since the American Library Association began tracking more than two decades ago.

Illustration of a child looking at a gap in a bookshelf

If you believe...

  • Books are tools for understanding complex issues.
  • Young people deserve to see themselves reflected in a library’s books.
  • Parents should not be making decisions for other parents’ children.
  • Individuals should be trusted to make their own decisions about what to read.
  • Limiting young people’s access to books does not protect them from life’s complex and challenging issues.
Smiling Latin teen girl with down syndrome and her mom reading a book at home

Empowered by Reading

There are many important benefits of providing children and youth with a wide variety of developmentally appropriate reading materials - books which reflect their personal life experiences, as well a the experiences, stories, and histories of others in and beyond their communities.

Action Toolkit

Take a stand against book bans. Check out the UABB action toolkit and defend the right to read in your community.

Become a Partner

We can't defeat book bans alone. Unite with us as an organizational partner, and together we'll work to defeat censorship.

Merch Against Book Bans

Show the world that you unite against book bans with our official UABB apparel and totes, available in the ALA Graphics Store. All purchases support the Unite Against Book Bans campaign and our efforts to fight censorship.

This campaign is organized by the American Library Association and was launched with the generous support of the Steve & Loree Potash Family Foundation and the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Help us continue the fight against censorship. Your donation supports our efforts to defend the freedom to read for all Americans.
