Propagating Plants

Have you ever seen a plant at a friend's home and thought,  I really need that one.  Only to not find it in any store.  There is a good way to "get" a plant is to take a cutting of the mother plant. Three are three main ways of propagating plants.  Water, dirt and moss.  The most common is water.  It is as easy as taking a cutting and placing the cutting in a jar of water and waiting for roots to form. The second way is dirt.  You propagate the cutting directly into most soil.   For best results,  it is best to use a rooting hormone.The third way is moss.  Sphagnum moss may work if the above two ways do not.  You only need to keep the moss damp until the plants roots form.

12 plants to propagate in water include:

1. African  Violet

2. Baby's Tears

Baby's Tears

3. Begonia

4. Coleus


5. Impatient plants

Impatient Plant

6. Lucky Bamboo

Chinese Bamboo

7. Philodendron


8. Inch plant

Inch Plant

9. Pothos


10. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen

11. English Ivy

English Ivy

12. Chinese Money Tree

Many more can also be started in this manner. Which ever way you decide to choose,  I wish you luck on starting new plants for your collection.

Rose-Marie Finch 
Aquisitions Specialist