Valentine's Day Flower Jar Adult Art Class

Image Includes: Paper hearts on string, paper flower, and photograph of painted mason jar holding paper flowers. Text Reads: Valentine's Dar Flower Jar. Adult Art Class.

Nothing says LOVE like a homemade gift so join us and make this beautiful arrangement just in time for Valentine's Day.

Learn to create paper flowers using crepe papers and wire.  We will also decorate and embellish a mason jar to hold your flowers. The class will last approximately 2 hours.

Registration is required and space is limited. 

This is an adult art class. Registration opens on Saturday, January 27 at 11:00AM. 

To register, click the register tab above.

A note on registration: If it says Registration Closed, the registration period has not opened yet. If it says Registration Full, the program is full.

Event Category
Event Location
Flora T. Little Meeting Room
Event Date