LDND InfoCenter

Brainfuse Live Help

What is it?

Brainfuse provides live, certified educators and navigators for the following populations:

JobNow:  Seven days a week from 2 pm to 11 pm for application, résumé and cover letter writing, job searches and interview practice. Available now.

VetNow:  Monday through Friday, from 2 pm to 11 pm for assistance to veterans in navigating Department of Veteran Affairs benefits, paperwork, programs, etc.  Available now.

HelpNow:  Seven days a week from 2 pm to 11 pm for live, certified educator assistance for homework, research, and writing in all subjects for grades K-college.  DOES NOT BEGIN UNTIL 9/1/2021

How Do Patrons Access It?

    • Each library was provided a unique URL for each product.  Patrons must have a library card barcode to access.

Marketing Support?

Training Support?




Technical Support?

    • Contact:  info@brainfuse.com


  1. Login to the Brainfuse (https://www.brainfuse.com/login) site with your admin credentials (contact Barry Trott, barry.trott@lva.virginia.gov or Nan Carmack, nan.carmack@lva.virginia.gov if you do not have login credentials)
  2. Click Legacy Usage Reports
  3. In the report window select the following options:
    1. Under the Home Menu, choose one of the three LVA-provided databases (HelpNow, JobNow, VetNow)
    2. Reporting period: choose the appropriate period
  4. Click Filter
  5. Get the Total Usage
  6. Repeat for other LVA-provided two databases
  7. Report the Total Usage for all three LVA-provided databases

This site is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. It is managed by the The Library of Virginia Library Development and Networking Division.