"Books & Bites"... discover your next great read!
For Students in Grades 6-12:

Not sure what to read next? Want to discover new and exciting books? Like to munch on yummy snacks? Of course you do! Then "Books and Bites" is for you!

You will receive up to 3 personally picked library books based on your reading preferences, along with a yummy snack of your choice! You can choose to read all, one, or none of the books that have been selected for you. Just return the ones you don't want. No hard feelings!

We'll call or email you when your "Books & Bites" bag is ready!

Please allow up to 7 days for processing. Please return your books by their due date or renew.

Contact: Kate, Teen Services Coordinator
(781) 545-8727 | kjasinski@scituate.ocln.org 

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
Grade: *
Library Card Number:             *
If the above library card number is your parents, what is their first and last name?
What kind of books are you in the mood for? (check up to 3 boxes) *
Name the last book('s) you've read that you really enjoyed?
Snack Choice: "I am feeling hungry for..." *
Is there anything else I should know about you? (Spill the beans)
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