Boston Public Library
Boston Public Library
Get more reading recommendations from BPL Librarians! Now Read This! are the BPL’s brand new reading recommendation email newsletters. Sent every other month, suggestions cover everything from new releases to hidden gems in Biography & Memoir, Romance, Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers, and Children's Literature. Get on the list to find your next favorite read - sign up here!

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Biography & Memoir

Walk a mile in someone else's shoes -- immerse yourself in the lives of the famous, the infamous, and the ever intriguing. Bi-monthly.

Mystery & Thrillers

Drawn to puzzles and suspense? These books will provide you with a steady stream of who-dun-its for your solving delight. Bi-monthly.

Children's Books

Whether your child is developing their pre-literacy skills or zipping through chapter books, this newsletter has book suggestions and literacy tips for young readers from infancy through middle school. Bi-monthly.


Flirt with romance--whether you like your lovin' with ghosts, spies, or knights in shining armor, this newsletter will deliver, sealed with a kiss. Bi-monthly.


Take a walk through the aisles of our general fiction section and discover a range of fascinating characters and stories to engage and enlighten. Bi-monthly.

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Whether fueled by magic or advanced technology, imagination is the engine of speculative fiction. This newsletter brings you the best of fantasy, science fiction, and everything in between. Bi-Monthly.

Historical Fiction

Do you prefer novels with period detail? Become part of history, without having to slop through the mud or face the guillotine yourself. Bi-monthly.

Send me updates on these topics:

Fantastic Books: A Book Group for Folks in Their 20s & 30s
Jamaica Plain Fiber Arts Group
Quiet Reading Party for ADHD & Neurodiverse Adults
Reading the Rainbow: An Online-Exclusive LGBTQ Book Group
Summer Reading at the BPL
Winter Reading at the BPL

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