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Concealed in Death
ClermontLibrary is currently reading
by J.D. Robb (Goodreads Author)
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Murder of Crows
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Rags & Bones: New...
ClermontLibrary is currently reading
by Melissa Marr (Goodreads Author)
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Oscar Wilde
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
Oscar Wilde

Robin McKinley
“[Harry] had always suffered from a vague restlessness, a longing for adventure that she told herself severely was the result of reading too many novels when she was a small child.”
Robin McKinley, The Blue Sword

Robin McKinley
“The story is always better than your ability to write it.”
Robin McKinley

117759 No Obligation Book Group — 8 members — last activity Jun 21, 2014 07:19AM
Love the idea of a book club but don’t have time for meetings? Then join us for our online book discussion. A new book is chosen each month.
year in books
Laura S...
2,544 books | 54 friends

917 books | 55 friends

1,373 books | 21 friends

1,829 books | 111 friends

373 books | 97 friends

60 books | 3 friends

208 books | 10 friends

Mary Kl...
0 books | 1 friend

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